In the fall of 2018, STAK invited students from all over Aarhus to participate in a hands-on interdisciplinary workshop focusing on innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. The goal of PÅ TVÆRS was to let the students explore and strengthen their skills in a comfortable environment with room for experimentation. Our motivation for executing this workshop was also do underline the fact that creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship doesn't only belong to a certain kind of education or a certain kind of student, but exists in all of us!
24 students from 11 different kinds of educations in Aarhus were presented with a case from Frontløberne; How can we make Black Box 2.0 work as the center of a more including and interdisciplinary city. On the course of 4 wednesdays we held a series of idea-generating workshops, in which the students corporated across disciplines to solve the problem proposed by Frontløberne.

On the 2. Session the main theme of the evening was "Motivation"! In this regard we were lucky enough to hear Lector Susanne Østergaard from Erhvervsakademiet Aarhus, who, based on her own research project, talked about the many facets of motivation. As a supplement to this session two girls, Anne and Anna from RAA Aarhus visited us. They talked how they found the motivation to continue their business despite being busy with school.

On the 3. Session the main theme of the evening was "From thought to action"! Here we had a visit from professor Peter Gall from Aarhus university, who talked about social innovation. In continuation of this presentation we met the two guys from Virtual VR, Kristian and Kristian, who enlightened us in how they went from thought to a well-functioning business.

The workshop culminated in the 4. Session. Here the students had the opportunity to present their ideas and concepts to STAK, Frontløberne and a representative from VIA. Our very cool students displayed design-ideas for developing Black Box and presented an event-concept, which has already had its first testrun.